
At a Glance

At FKS Multi Agro, we map the Company's environmental footprint, collect stakeholder insights through in-depth materiality assessments, and conduct a comparative analysis to develop our ESG strategies aligned with our holding company at FKS Group.
Within FKS Group, we develop our ESG initiatives to support the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals through our ESG-related business activities.


Investing in a Greener Future

We realize that every product produced by the Company has an impact to the environment. By identifying these impacts, the Company can implement more effective actions to reduce environmental impact and manage their sustainability risks.cs

Lead Greener Operations


Logistics Revolution

Partnering with Port Business Entity (Badan Usaha Pelabuhan), our subsidiaries manage Integrated Warehouse (IWH), a modern dry bulk terminal. The IWH facility uses a conveyor system to transfer cargo from the port to the transit warehouse, eliminating the need for trucks. Our conveyor system is equipped with magnetic separator as double protection to avoid contamination. Through this revolutionary process, our IWH can improve the hygiene of the food throughout unloading process. Furthermore, there is also a significant increase in operational speed. It is better for the environment by reducing diesel consumption and minimizing food loss. In addition, this revolution has increased the operational speed up to 233% and has reduced congestion levels at the port, which certainly contributes in lowering emissions from vehicles around the port.

Terminal Clustering

The Company and port authority implement terminal clustering, where each ship is directed to a particular dock according to the type of cargo and discharging facilities required. In practice, certain docks are dedicated to handling feed products, while other docks handle food products or other products in containers.


Energy Consumption Optimization

One of the warehousing activities involving high energy consumption is the utilization of heavy equipment. Therefore, all heavy equipment in the warehouse is connected to a device that monitors the output and input of the energy used to regularly monitor the energy consumption and to plan strategic efforts to optimize the utilization. In addition, by having comprehensive data of the utilization, we are able to mitigate equipment damage due to excessive use.

Advanced Warehouse System

Improving the quality of warehouse services at FKS Multi Agro is not only supported by a commitment to quality control but also involves the application of advanced technology to ensure operational safety and effectiveness. For example, advanced technology such as telescopic chutes applied at the Medan warehouse has significantly improved service quality. The trunkshaped chute is equipped with sensors to measure and adapt to cargo spills, effectively manage dust, and reduce the risk of contamination. Not only does it improve air quality and warehouse operational safety, but this technology also supports providing high-quality products to customers. This innovation using telescopic chutes reflects the Company's commitment to efficiency and excellence in warehousing services.


Advanced Transport Management System

Digitalization with real-time visibility through the Transportation Management System (TMS) is the key to efficient truck operations and timely delivery of goods. TMS features a Control Tower for accurate monitoring, a mobile app to speed up administration, and a GPS tracking system for real-time visibility of cargo movements. These advantages ensure optimal monitoring, fast administration, and scalable delivery, optimizing efficiency in our logistics supply chain.

Low Emission and Standardized Trucks

All trucks belonging to PT FKS Trukindo Utama use EURO IV engines with fuel processing technology, which is claimed to reduce NOx (Nitrogen Oxide) emission levels so that vehicle exhaust emissions are more environmentally friendly. This effort supports the Company's emissions control program.

Food Product-Dedicated Truck

As a form of commitment to food safety, FKS Multi Agro has a fleet of special trucks that deliver food ingredients. The Company also has sanitation and hygiene SOPs to ensure the fleet it operates meets standards for delivering food products.

Measuring Carbon Footprint

We partner with a consultant to assess the carbon footprint measurement in our operations. This collaboration has not only enhanced the quality of our calculations but also provided improvement for our sustainability program.

Monitoring Energy Consumption

We measures exhaust emissions from equipment operated in warehouses in the form of heavy equipment and generators. The results of measurements carried out periodically show that exhaust emissions meet environmental quality standards.

Using Renewable Energy

We prioritize the use of the right energy sources in the operation of various tools across all our food logistics activities. We are committed to integrating the usage of renewable energy to our operations. By adopting solar panel technology in Tempe Park, we aim to significantly reduce our greenhouse gas emissions and prevent the depletion of natural resources, ensuring a sustainable future for all.

Waste Management

Together with FKS Group, we launch Waste Management Program by collaborating with waste management services as a material recovery partner. This program is firstly initiated at the head office (Jakarta), where all employees actively participate in this program by independently sorting the waste generated surrounding the office environment.

As an initial step, we selected several employee representatives as the Agents of Change to spread enthusiasm so that this waste sorting movement can be carried out in a sustainable manner. After the Agent of Change has been selected, they visit Rumah Pemulihan Material (Material Recovery House) to have a sharing session about waste management.

Waste surrounding the office environment is divided into 4 categories: Residue, Non-Organic, Organic and Paper. At the end, all the waste will be managed by the Waste Recovery House (Rumah Pemulihan Sampah) to be disposed of or recycled according to the conditions.


Together with Communities and Customers

At the core of our mission, we deeply dedicate ourselves to empowering society and nurturing its well-being through unwavering commitment to sustainability. Our efforts also extend to promoting food safety, exemplified by the innovative initiatives housed at Tempe Park.

Together with Communities

FKS Multi Agro strives to ensure that the company's success can benefit the community and the environment, especially the communities around the Company's operations. This commitment is realized with various social, environmental, and governance (ESG) responsibility programs that focus on benefits for the right target or target and must have a sustainable impact through the realization of Flagship Programs.

Tempe Park

To preserve tempe as Indonesia's national treasure ingredient, FKS Multi Agro develops Tempe Park as a center of excellence, as well as Research and Development (R&D) and training center for tempeh and tofu producers throughout Indonesia. As form of commitment to development and innovation, we have gradually constructed core facilities at Tempe Park, including laboratories, training centers, and function rooms. With the infrastructures, we have actively carried out various activities:

Tanjung Jabung Timur Project

In collaboration with Bogor Agricultural University (IPB), FKS Multi Agro conducted research to find suitable farming methods practiced in tidal swamp land, in East Tanjung Jabung - Jambi Province.

This program has significantly increased agricultural productivity and provided employment opportunities for more than 500 farmers.

Through our Water Saturated Cultivation program, we convert acidic land, which is not suitable for agriculture, into productive land for crops such as rice and corn.

Inspirational Teacher Festival

Enhancing teacher’s competence is important in order to deliver a sustainable learning process. The role of teachers is prominent as their influence is involved in children’s growth. As a company that’s committed to improving the quality of education in Indonesia, PT FKS Multi Agro Tbk, one of FKS Group subsidiaries, partnered with Banten Department of Education and Culture held an event called Inspirational Teacher Festival (Festival Guru Inspiratif). This event carried out “Good Practices in Teaching and Learning Process Innovation” as the theme.

With more than 200 participants from high school, vocational school, and special needs schools in Serang and Cilegon area, this event was held to encourage teachers to be more innovative. As a result, the learning process would be improved and the quality of education in Indonesia would be increased. This initiative portrayed one of our ESG programs to elevate the education system that is aligned with the Indonesian government to achieve the Golden Indonesian Vision 2045.

Creating Value for Our Customers

Aligned with the FKS Way principle of Caring, we prioritize our customers and recognize that meeting our customers’ needs is the central element in shaping our business strategies and objectives.

BOLA Bonanza

Tofu and tempeh producers play a big role as one of the providers of nutritious food for the people of Indonesia. We appreciate their contribution in supporting the continuity of the Company’s business. Started in 2020, we developed BOLA Bonanza program, that is currently run every 6 months, as a form of gratitude and appreciation for the tofu and tempeh producers. We specifically designed this program to provide benefits to the producer with reward points that open up the opportunity to take part in a prize draw. There have been more than 3,000 tofu and tempe producers who received benefits from this program in the form of business capital, motor vehicles, and Umrah packages.

Documentation of BOLA Bonanza

Ramadan with BOLA

In celebration of the holy month of Ramadan, FKS Multi Agro, is holding a series of programs consisting of Fast Breaking and Mudik/Homecoming for tofu and tempeh craftsmen, and food donations for several communities.

The event began with a Fast Breaking event held in Garut, with the Regent of Garut, Rudy Gunawan, participating along with more than 200 tofu and tempeh craftsmen from the Garut area. Furthermore, we also conducted an event that facilitated more than 200 craftsmen to experience the annual homecoming tradition. The destinations were Pemalang and Pekalongan in Central Java, departing from Lapangan Kopti in Semanan, West Jakarta.

The series of events concluded with food distributions, with 1,326 packs of tempeh and 151 packs of hampers distributed to communities living around our operations area in Pasar Kemis, Tangerang.

Documentation of Ramadan with BOLA


Corporate governance is an important element in an organization that helps ensure the Company operates ethically and efficiently

At FKS Multi Agro, the Company’s leaders are committed to ethical behavior and corporate governance standards that are in accordance with the vision, mission, and FKS Way. The management proactively addresses any concerns and works closely with employees at all levels to ensure that the Company’s values and standards areupheld.

We also carry out a transparent decisionmaking process, which involves all stakeholders’ input, and are committed to transparency throughout the organization. For more information about Governance, please go to our “Corporate Governance” section.

Sustainability Report 2023
Sustainability Report 2022